A Personal loan can be helpful to Individuals with their immediate financial needs. Whether you need funds for a medical emergency or to travel to an exotic destination or to have your dream wedding, your requirement can be any, but you can fulfil it with an easy personal loan.

DIGITAL LOAN offers fast and hassle-free contactless personal loan In-principle approval to help meet your planned or unplanned financial requirements.

Our smart fund-raising platform has been created as a one-stop solution for different financial requirements of individuals and also caters to challenges faced by lenders.

DIGITAL LOAN is an Personalmated and intelligent fund-raising platform for Individuals to fulfil their financial requirements in the quickest, simplest and easiest way.


Personal loans are advantageous over other immediate finance options available such as loans taken from informal sources.


Gone are the days of tedious documentation and time-consuming processes. We have made your personal loan taking experience as smooth and simple as possible. You don’t need to visit branches of different lenders. You just need to apply online for personal loan for In-principle approval through DIGITAL LOAN portal. Compare and select your preferred lender and receive In-principle approval within 59 minutes.